With over 17 years experience of working in the mental health arena, predominantly as a psychological therapist, I offer my own learning and experiences gained over the years in the form of blogs and articles of which I hope you enjoy. I am big believer in practising what I preach and encouraging growth in self awareness in order to stay as mentally healthy as possible.
We all need a little or a lot of help at times and I cover mental health specific subjects such as stress, anxiety and depression but also give a lot of focus to relationships, work related stress, parenting, loss, bereavement and even top tips for boosting your wellbeing at Christmas, Valentine’s Day and Summer holidays!
I am a Health and Wellbeing Delivery Manager within the emergency services so I will focus some of my writing in this area. Police Wellbeing is a particular passion of mine, having spent more than 6,000 counselling hours with officers and police staff employees. I also advocate for victims and survivors of child sexual abuse (CSA) and you can follow my own personal journey with how I navigate adulthood with the impact of this type of adverse childhood experience.
I believe the realm of mental health should be given more focus in a positive way so I choose to present my writing with a hint of humour at times and I love photography and bright, colourful images to accompany my ramblings! We all have mental health so I hope you give yours plenty of attention. Wishing you a very warm welcome to my Mental Wealth Hub.